Griffin Newbold
Fourth Year Undergraduate at Columbia University
Teaching Assistant and Projects Student for Professor Lydia Chilton
Former Head Teaching Assistant and Projects Student for Professor Gail Kaiser
Former Teaching Assistant for Professor Adam Cannon
Incoming Software Engineer @ Capital One
Located in DC Metro Area
About Me
Welcome to my Homepage!
I am currently a fourth year undergraduate student at Columbia University
studying Computer Science. This site will serve as my expanded personal portfolio.
This will allow me to showcase more about myself than my resume or my github page ever
could alone. While my Github profile showcases all my technical projects, my resume only
shows the effective highlights. There is so much more beyond either of those that this page
felt necessary. Plus it helps demonstrate the existence of front-end development skills on my part,
even though I do not specialize in such areas.
This upcoming semester, I will continue my Computer Science education at Columbia. Four semesters ago
I finished up the core requirements for my major so all I am left with are electives. While the core of
the major had a good mix of theorectical courses along with applications based ones, I intend to take courses
that focus more on applications than the theory. While you can find more information about the courses, I have taken/plan to take
in the "Courses Taken" section I will layout the courses I plan to take in the upcoming term related to my field of study.
- COMS 3998 Undergraduate Projects in Computer Science
- COMS 4995 Applied Machine Learning
- COMS 6111 Advanced Database Systems
As of the beginning of the Spring Semester the above is the planned selection of Computer Science courses I plan to take.
I started my programming journey in my first year of highschool, I took AP Computer Science Principles which was a newly offered course
at my highschool. My instructor choose JavaScript for the first half of the course then began teaching us Java in the second half of the course.
I continued down the Java rabbit hole and took AP Computer Science A in my second year followed by the two Java courses offered by my local community college
through their dual enrollment program. After I completed these courses, I successfully completed my OCA Java 8 SE Programmer I exam offered by Oracle. At this point I took a few other courses through my community college which introduced
me to C++ as well as MySQL and Visual Basic, along with some basic IT trouble shooting skills through their Operating Systems course. I concluded my high school journey by taking a Networking course
which used coursework and a curriculum developed by Cisco.
Once I arrived on Columbia's campus, I began their Computer Science curriculum right away, concurrently taking COMS 1004 and ENGL 1006 in my first semester
and finishing the academic year with the completion of their Data Structures and Algorithms course. My second year saw me take a deeper dive into the Computer
Science curriculum that Columbia had to offer taking classes like Discrete Mathematics and Advanced Programming. My last two years at Columbia have allowed me
to take elective courses that I found interesting and involved skills that I wanted to learn.
Of course while I took these courses, I also completed many personal projects and contributed to the learning community as well. More information about all of these can
be found in the "Teaching" and "Projects" sections! Thanks for stopping by to read, I hope you take more time to explore my site. If for whatever reason you wish
to contact me please see the "Contact Me" section for more information about that, if you wish to connect with me on LinkedIn please see the appropriately named section.